Tuesday, June 3, 2008

the season was almost done, we managed it 12-1...

...so far I have known no humiliation, in front of my friends and close relations.

Blog post of no particular immediacy. I'd write of my time spent in Shikoku on our Golden Week holiday, but that's a time long past and I'd sooner defer you to pictures posted on Flickr- my new play-by-play tell-all darling lover.

I've been thrust into goodbyes more than I've ever known. I'm usually the one leaving the left and these past few weeks have found my friends, good/great/best ones, off to their homelands or areas far removed from where I'll ever be. The city of Hiroshima is minus one Boots, and his absence was obvious in the late night hours where once the streets shouted in ways different than they do now. Mike is off in favor of saving the world, and I've no doubt he will. That, among other things. We called one another the best conversationalists we've known, but our conversations always paralleled one another and it's hard to lose someone so close to understanding me. Said goodbye to Keith after a week long stay at my Fuchu mansion. Movies were watched. Pictures were painted and while I have space to stretch my legs and arms and roll over in the night without disruption, I miss the comfort of assigning someone else a key.

But, but, but were rolling in ashes. We're coming up phoenix.

Beer Garden Sunday-Funday. Some 30-40 of us took up space, drank beer, discussed in three languages the anatomical dynamics of sex, went elsewhere, danced a choreographed shuffle, made plans for adventure camping, and did the night right. Hiroshima takes me in as she had when I first arrived. It feels like coming home.
61 days.
61 days!

B-B-B-Boston and other feats of strength quickly approaching. Tokusan next weekend. Lucky lasses of the prefecture dress in Yukata. I'll be certain to post pictures.

Everything is beautiful. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.

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