Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Do you believe in something beautiful, then get up and be it

Rachel told me today that she was going to give me a gift.

She said, "I am going to give you a great gift."

I was soon to type, "Please don't let it be a lesson," but I was too type for her svelte fingers. There on g-chat she delivered a message, intended to be taken as a lesson, with no need for modesty.

She told me that I'm to chose how I react. Meaning, I needn't react as much as I do.

I wanted to contest. Respond in CAPS, tell the tale in my own version, but, see, that was the crux of Rachel's concern. I have nervous tick emotions. I jump at the slightest touch and feel the faintest slice of sun. Some call us Hyper Sensitive Personalities, which they argue is both enabling and disabling. Good/Great work done in therapy has helped me own my sensitive shortfalls, learn to desensitize when it doesn't serve me but still the reaction. I feel like I do nothing but try to feel something.

But there's something to Rachel's creed: I can shut it off. I could easily not wind up when someone has a turn key in paw. I even feel equipped to follow this advice. It's just... there's something to raw emotion. I feel like I have a secret sense, and even more, I feel like I'm doing someone a service by making every effort to understand their understatements.

But Rachel could say, "not everyone wants to be read." Or "maybe you are thinking of yourself here."

But instead she says, "I love having you as a friend."

That warrants reaction. But of the hug someone in happiness variety. We should all be so lucky as to have a friend like that.

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